Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I was tagged for the Seven Things Meme by lillian.The rules are:
Share seven random facts about yourself, in your blog.
Include these rules.
Link back to the person who tagged you.
Tag seven more people and list their names & blogs. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged.
Here are Seven Random Things about me:

1: I love to eat a peanutbutter and strawberry jelly sandwich every night before bed.
2: I would like to play a musical instrument but I'm too lazy to learn.
3: I wish I could speak another language.
4: I wish I had more patience.
5: I regret dropping out of school in 11th grade.
6: I didnt play any sports in highschool because I was scared to fail.
7: I love my wife more and more everyday.

Hope I didnt bore anyone to death.
I cant keep track of who has been taged and who wasn't so if you have not been tagged yet concider yourself TAGGED.


Kathy said...

Cool but where are the vacation pics. We want to see!

Leah said...

okay buddy! I was the one who tagged you...not lillian!!!! WAHHH!!!

Lillian said...

Thanks for clearing that up, Ann. I was really, really confused there for a minute. Thanks for the list anyway!

obmijandhanel said...

I dont even know who Lillian is thats just the name that came up when I coppied the directions.

Leah said...

lillian tagged me, then I tagged you. you were supposed to change that part. lol

you crack me up.

do you still need help uploading pics? You can call me if you need to.

obmijandhanel said...

do you see any pics???? hench I still need help.

obmijandhanel said...

do you see any pics???? hench I still need help.

Jamie Hamilton said...

Since I'm pregnant now, I sometimes get so hungry at night that I can't go to sleep until I eat something. I always eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. They are the perfect thing to eat before going to bed!