Wednesday, November 28, 2007

computers for this dummy!!

I keep getting requests for the vacation pics , and I'm sorry to inform everyone that I cant figure out how to post them. I know I've done it before but I cant remember how. So as soon as I figure it out I'll post them. Go ahead laugh its funny, I know .


Leah said...

I am soooo laughing!

Jeni said...

Ohhhh...I'm so jealous. A cruise! Someday...your "seven things" DID bore me! Just kidding! Miss you guys!

Jenn said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one. I just figured out how to "break" the pictures up. Duh... Why couldn't I have figured it out sooner. I mean everyone else knows how to do it right? Just click on the photo in your post and browse away. Or at least that is how this MAC computer makes me do it. haha!