Monday, February 11, 2008

sorry its been so long.

Life has been really busy lately, with moving and minor re-modeling, and kids and work and church callings and the list goes on. But I am happy to report that we are all doing well. Janel had a case of strepthroat but she is finally over it . We went to see the Hudds tonight to see thier new little addition to the world. We are going to call him D.J. HUDD. He is much cuter than Adam even tho the proud daddy thinks he looks like him . LOL All I can say is that I hope all of you couples who are having all of these boys theach them how to treat a girl well cause I have one of the only girls around thier age . LOL I will try to get some pictures posted soon .

1 comment:

Jeni said...

That baby's cuteness comes from his mommy:)